IRIS is a new Korean Drama aired by KBS2 starting from 14th October 2009 and ended at 17th Dec 2009. It's an action, mystery, thriller and romance drama. Pretty different from other Korean Drama which usually take a romance comedy genre.
The story of IRIS evolve around two good friends, Kim Hyun Joon and Jin Sa Woo selected from special forces to join the NSS (National Security Administration). Do not ask why the "Administration" came from "NSS". NSS is a group of charge of protecting South Korea from acts of terrorism and other assault. It's a secret organization that even the president himself did not know the existence of this group.
Kim Hyun Joon and Jin Sa Woo are two good friends under the leadership of a beautiful girl named Choi Seung Hee. Unfortunately they both fell in love with the girl. Then a mission makes the two good friend choose different path. How it goes? Who will end sweetly with Choi Seung Hee ? You better watch it for yourself.
I personally think IRIS is a very good action-packed Korean Drama. In Korea, the IRIS got a pretty high rating around 25.4 for the first episode and even got 39.9 for the last episode. It's a high budget drama because the shooting take place on several countries like Korea, Hungary, China, Japan, and USA. Here is the cast for IRIS and several picture of the drama.
IRIS Cast :
Lee Byung Hun as Kim Hyun Joon
Jung Joon Ho as Jin Sa Woo
Kim Tae Hee as Choi Seung Hee
Kim Seung Woo as Park Chul Young
T.O.P as Vick
Kim So Yun as Kim Sun Hwa
Yoo Min as Sato Eriko
Hyun Jyu Ni as Yang Mi Jung
Yoon Je Moon as Park Sang Hyung
Kim Young Chul as Baek San
Jung Han Yong as Jung Hyung Joon
Yoon Joo Sang as Oh Hyun Kyu
Lee Jung Gil as Jo Myung Ho
Kim Hye Jin as Yang Jung In
Na Yoon as Hwang Tae Sung
Myung Ji Yun as Hong Soo Jin
Miyama Karen as Yuki
IRIS Picture Gallery :
Kim Tae Hee Pictures :
The story of IRIS evolve around two good friends, Kim Hyun Joon and Jin Sa Woo selected from special forces to join the NSS (National Security Administration). Do not ask why the "Administration" came from "NSS". NSS is a group of charge of protecting South Korea from acts of terrorism and other assault. It's a secret organization that even the president himself did not know the existence of this group.
Kim Hyun Joon and Jin Sa Woo are two good friends under the leadership of a beautiful girl named Choi Seung Hee. Unfortunately they both fell in love with the girl. Then a mission makes the two good friend choose different path. How it goes? Who will end sweetly with Choi Seung Hee ? You better watch it for yourself.
I personally think IRIS is a very good action-packed Korean Drama. In Korea, the IRIS got a pretty high rating around 25.4 for the first episode and even got 39.9 for the last episode. It's a high budget drama because the shooting take place on several countries like Korea, Hungary, China, Japan, and USA. Here is the cast for IRIS and several picture of the drama.
IRIS Cast :
Lee Byung Hun as Kim Hyun Joon
Jung Joon Ho as Jin Sa Woo
Kim Tae Hee as Choi Seung Hee
Kim Seung Woo as Park Chul Young
T.O.P as Vick
Kim So Yun as Kim Sun Hwa
Yoo Min as Sato Eriko
Hyun Jyu Ni as Yang Mi Jung
Yoon Je Moon as Park Sang Hyung
Kim Young Chul as Baek San
Jung Han Yong as Jung Hyung Joon
Yoon Joo Sang as Oh Hyun Kyu
Lee Jung Gil as Jo Myung Ho
Kim Hye Jin as Yang Jung In
Na Yoon as Hwang Tae Sung
Myung Ji Yun as Hong Soo Jin
Miyama Karen as Yuki
IRIS Picture Gallery :
Kim Tae Hee Pictures :
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